Holiday Tips to Avoid Weight Gain

By now you all know that I'm all about the easy and tangible tools that you can use to make a change in your health and fitness. Hell, my holiday Bet on Yourself group is almost SOLD OUT, solely because people are eager to change their holiday eating habits, and get out of the "I'll work out harder, to work that off" mentality.
Being mindful of what we're eating is such an important piece for us on days like Thanksgiving and the upcoming holidays. Would you believe me if I told you, if you became more mindful before you ate a meal, whether it be a holiday meal or an every day meal, that you could effectively lose weight or maintain your results??
It's true!!!

Here are 10 more tips for more mindful eating.
Not all of these tips may feel right for you — try a few and see how they work.1. Reflect. Before you begin eating, take a moment to reflect upon how you feel. Are you rushed? Stressed? Sad? Bored? Hungry? What are your wants, and what are your needs? Differentiate between the two. After you have taken this moment to reflect, then you can choose if you want to eat, what you want to eat, and how you want to eat.
2. Sit down. Don’t eat on the go. Have a seat. You’re less likely to appreciate your food when you are multi-tasking. It’s also difficult to keep track of how much you are eating when you snack on the go.
3. Turn off the TV (and everything else with a screen). Have you ever glanced down from your phone or tablet or computer, only to wonder where all the food went? These distractions make us less aware of what and how much we are eating.
4. Serve out your portions. Resist eating straight from the bag or the box. Not only is it easier to overeat when you can’t see how much you’ve had, but it is also harder to fully appreciate your food when it is hidden from view.
5. Pick the smaller plate. You might crave less if you see less. Smaller plates will help you with your portion control — an especially good strategy for those all-you-can-eat buffets.
6. Give gratitude. Before you start to eat, pause and take a moment to acknowledge the labor that went into providing your meal — be it thanks to the farmers, the factory workers, the animals, mother Earth, the chefs, or even your companions at the table.
7. Chew 30 times. Try to get 30 chews out of each bite. (30 is a rough guide, as it might be difficult to get even 10 chews out of a mouthful of oatmeal!) Take time to enjoy the flavors and textures in your mouth before you swallow. This also helps prevent overeating by giving your gut time to send messages to the brain to say you’re full.
8. Put down your utensil. Often, we are already preparing the next morsel with our fork and knife while we are still on our previous bite. Try putting down your utensils after each bite, and don’t pick them back up until you have enjoyed and swallowed what you already have in your mouth.
9. Retire the Clean Plate Club. Many of us were brought up to finish everything on our plate and were not allowed to leave the table until we did. It’s okay to cancel your membership to the Clean Plate Club. Consider packing the leftovers to go, or just leaving the last few bites. Even though nobody likes to waste food, overstuffing yourself won’t help those in need. (This is also where Tip #5 comes in handy.)
10. Silence. Try eating your meals in silence once in a while. When it’s quiet, it is natural for the mind to wander; acknowledge these thoughts, and then see if you can gently return to your experience of eating. Be conscious of the food’s consistency, flavor, tastes, and smells, and fully appreciate the moment. Of course, mealtime can be an important time for sharing the day when the whole household gathers, so having an entire meal in silence might be impractical or just feel awkward. But even spending the first five to 10 minutes in silence can be refreshing and set a grateful tone for the rest of the meal.
BONUS TIP: Prepare your own food. Your digestion starts with your senses. As you start to touch, smell & feel the foods you are putting together, your body starts to gear up for the consumption of it, thus kick starting your digestion. Not to mention, you have control over what ingredients (extra salt, excess fats, sugars, etc) that goes into the meal or the dish you create.
Here's a more 1:1 approach I shared with my clients during our last year's holiday challenge:
Want to get more out of your holidays? DM me to learn more about my Bet on Yourself challenge. It's like a diet bet, but better.

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